Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Recipe for Disaster Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs)

These are the various Graphic User Interfaces for the game.

The Main Menu Screen.

Finalized version of the Main Menu Screen.

Story/Recipe Screen

In the game, you collect various ingredients by solving puzzles.  The reasoning for this is that you're trying to thwart the evil witch's experiments.

The book is used as the screen for the story text as well as your list of ingredients that you've collected.
The Level Selection Screen.

Finalized version of the Level Selection Screen.

The Victory/Win Screen.

Finalized version of the Victory/Win Screen.

The Game Over Screen.

Finalized version of the Game Over Screen.

Final art for a game over screen.

Originally we had planned to have different game over screens for the different ways you could die i.e.: falling on knives, burning in a toaster over, etc.  We decided to go with just one "Game Over" screen due to time constraints and various other things.

This was the screen for if you died by drowning.  We originally planned several puzzle involving the sink, but due to some issue with the engine we were working with, some of the ideas we had either didn't work, or would have taken up way to much time to figure out.

The old Victory/Win Screen.

The old Game Over Screen.

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