Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Recipe for Disaster Character Concepts

Character concepts I created for a group game project in school.

The story of the game goes something like there's a witch who disguises herself as an old lady, and she lives in the forest somewhere in France.  She conducts experiments and concocts brews which she mixes into her food.  Then she uses them to bring her food to life and bends it to her will.  You play as one of her experiments gone awry, a ball of dough who attempts to escape it's fate, being cooked in the oven.

Concepts of the player character for the group game.

The main antagonist for the game.  She's the witch/old lady.

Original concept for the main antagonist for the game, until the story was changed.  He was switched from an Italian chef to a French/German old lady/witch.

Cat Concept for the game.

This character's name is Thelonius.  He is the witch's pet cat who was her first experiment.  After years of abuse at the hands of the witch, he has developed a ferocious attitude and stops at nothing to reek havoc for the unsuspecting dough ball.

Rat concept for the game.  One of the enemies/obstacles in the game.

Ant concept for the game.  Another enemy/obstacle in  the game.

Concept for an attribute which allows the dough ball to light up darkened areas.

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